No. No. Just no. This movie is so awful. I feel so betrayed because I've gone through most of my life believing that I liked this movie. I watched it a long time ago. I thought it was good, maybe a little boundary pushing. Maybe I put myself in Natalie Portman's shoes--precocious, bad haircut. But this movie SUCKS.
It's not even gonna be a movie review. Just bullet points. This movie does not even deserve sentences. Only fragments.
- Martha Plimpton is one of the only good things about this movie. She's not on the cover. Of course.
- It's really creepy to normalize a 28 y/o guy lusting after a 13 year old.
- Every line coming out of Natalie Portman's mouth makes me want to vomit. She can't handle those lines. No thirteen year old could handle that witty, flirty banter.
- Just another movie worshiping at the altar of almost 30 something men cheating, hedging and ignoring their gorgeous girlfriends and wives. Suck it. Just suck it.
- Uma Thurman says all it takes for her to be happy with a man is four little words: "Good night, sweet girl." Wait--what? Really?! So your boyfriend could cheat on you, fart under the covers, not take out the trash then whisper "good night, sweet girl" and you'd be HAPPY?! If I sound like I am panting and screaming it's cuz I am. That is just so ridiculous. Ludicrous. Here's what I want in a relationship: Respect. Reciprocity. Mutual adoration. Intelligent conversations. Steamy s**. Good night, sweet girl. GAH.